65 65 65 63
Mandag - torsdag kl. 08.30-15.30. Fredag kl. 08.30-15.00
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65 65 65 63
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Coca Cola

You can book a study visit at the Coca-Cola production plant in Seville with us. The factory is situated close to the airport of Seville, about 12 km north-east of the city centre.
The visit includes a tour and you will get an insight into the very production process. A video will be shown and at the end of the tour you will have the possibility to ask questions.
The visit lasts about one hour. Only one person at the factory speaks English and we recommend a guide in case this person is not available on the day of the tour.

The factory is open for visitors Monday – Friday, from 9.00-14.00 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m).

Coach rent 10-25 people EUR 571
Coach rent 26-34 people EUR 620
Coach rent 35-55 people EUR 728
Fra-pris pr. gruppe 1.924,-
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